See Us At Maker Faire Bay Area
Maker Faire Bay Area
We're going to be showing off Crazy Circuits at the most-crazy Maker Faire on the planet!
This Friday, May 19 through Sunday, May 21 we'll be at Maker Faire Bay Area and we'll have all our fun demos on hand. Come by and play with our projects. Touch our dough. Play our piano. Poke our sock animals. The usual stuff.
New Projects
We recently made a few new projects using our prototype parts.

NASA Shirts - We now have several really fun light up NASA shirts of various difficulties! The one in the picture below uses our Touch Board. A lot of conductive thread was used to turn the NASA logo into a touch activated button. When activated the LEDs on the shirt start fading in and out. We also made a couple of shirts using our Blink/Fade boards.

Robot Tank - We've also been working on improving our Robotics Board (the Arduino Nano board also got a name change). We added several sets of pins in the unused space, which allows for easy "plug and play" abilities. Now you can easily plug in servos and sensors (such as the range finder in the picture) without the need to tape things up. We just found that trying to use tape to plug in a servo got really... annoying. We want people to be able to quickly create and modify robotics projects.
This robot tank was a test of the new version of the Robotics board as well as our laser cut servo adaptors. The servo adaptors work pretty well as is, but we're still going to make some tweaks to them. So far the tank "avoids walls and stuff," but we need to spend some time post-Maker Faire to get the code working better. We'll post our final design, pictures, video, and code in our GitHub repo.