White Labeling and Custom Kit Creation
Let Brown Dog Gadgets create custom STEM kits for your museum, gift shop, or store. Since we do 100% of the design and printing working in-house we can quickly create custom packaging that fits your brand. Whether it's just rebranding one of our existing kits or making up something 100% new, let our experienced staff help you create something exciting and new.
For more information, contact us via the button below.

Direct White Labeling
Turn our existing kits into YOUR kits. Our smaller STEM kits make great additions to any store. Work with our staff to create custom packaging and custom inserts.

Custom Kits
Our warehouse is stocked with a wide variety of components from you to choose from! Create your own custom kit to meet existing curriculum, projects, and outreach programs.

Custom Projects
Depending on your needs we can even create custom projects to go into your white labeled kits! Our staff are experts at designing high interest STEM and STEAM activities. Collaborate and create something uniquely new!