Conductive Sewing Tie
Conductive Sewing Tie
This project is designed for beginner students. It requires basic knowledge about circuits and sewing.
Difficulty: Easy
Cost: Low
Time: 10 - 20 minutes
STEP 1: Gather Materials
All parts for this project, as well as Starter Sewing Supplies and E-Textile Starter Pack, can be found at Brown Dog Gadgets.
STEP 2: Layout Parts
You should have all the negative ends of the LED lights and the battery holder all facing one way (facing left or right).
This leads to all the positive ends facing the opposite direction of the negatives (facing left or right; opposite of negatives).
The battery holder will be hidden when you are wearing the tie so it will be on the back side.
The LED lights will be on front side the tie for people to see the lights shining!
STEP 3: Cut Thread, Thread Needle, and Knot Thread
1. Cut conductive thread about 2 feet.
2. Thread the needle with conductive thread. Ask for help, if needed.
3. Tie a knot in the thread on the opposite end of the needle (knot three times). The purpose of tying a knot is to stop the thread from pulling all the way out of the material.

STEP 4: Secure Negative Battery Holder End
You are going to connect all the negative ends together first.
Use conductive thread! The battery holder will go on the back side of the tie so no one can see it. Opposite of the LEDs.
1. Pull the needle from the back side of the tie through the positive battery holder hole. Loop three times.
2. Sew towards the LED light with the same thread.
STEP 5: Sew Negative Battery Holder to Negative LEDs
All negative ends should be facing the same direction as the negative battery holder.
1. Using the same thread, sew through the hole of the first LED light and loop three times.
2. Move on to the next LED light and loop three times
Depending on how many you use, you might have to keep going.
3. At the end of the negative LED lights tie a knot and cut the thread (knot three times).
STEP 6: Secure Positive Battery Holder End
REPEATING STEP 4 for Positive End
You now are going to connect all the positive ends together.
All instructions are repeated below.
1. Thread the needle with thread and make a knot on the opposite side of the needle in the thread (knot three times).
2. Pull the needle from the back side of the tie through the positive battery holder hole. Loop three times.
3. Sew towards the positive LED light end with the same thread.
STEP 7: Sew Positive Battery Holder to Positive LEDs
REPEATING STEP 5 for Positive Ends
All instructions are repeated below.
All positive ends should be facing the same direction as the positive battery holder.
1. Using same thread, sew through the hole of the first LED light and loop three times.
2. Move on the next LED light and loop three times. Depending on how many you use, you might have to keep going.
3. At the end of the positive LED lights tie a knot and cut the thread (knot three times).
Insert the battery in the battery holder and test out the lights!
Your LEDs should all light up.
If not, figure out why.
Do you have a Short Circuit?
Do you have a backwards LED?
STEP 9: Try It On